Sailing on the Sarthe River at Gué Lian©Sailing on the Sarthe River at Gué Lian|OTAMSport or relaxation?On waterView of Fresnay-sur-Sarthe©View of Fresnay-sur-Sarthe|OTAMView from above ...In the airHiking trail in Saint-Léonard-des-Bois©Hiking trail in Saint-Léonard-des-Bois|OTAMAlong roads and paths!On land
Canyon des Toyères©Canyon des Toyères|© Ahmet Yildiz - PHS A desire for naturePatrimoine dans les Alpes Mancelles - Church of Juillé©Patrimoine dans les Alpes Mancelles - Church of Juillé|OTAMA taste for heritageHiking trail©Hiking trail|PHSFeel like hiking